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Go beyond to manage better


What a day!

Since I will be riding on sections of gravel road, I told myself that I had to learn to control my mount in conditions other than the asphalt road. After all, it is an adventure motorcycle! So I signed up for level 1 training to learn how to ride off-road.

So it was this morning, a little before 7 a.m., that I hit the road to go to the training ground of Formation Québec Aventure. So we ended up there with 4 people plus the instructor to spend a colorful day there.

And it was indeed colorful! Not just because we were on very green terrain with a forest within reach, but also because doing this type of training in 40 degrees Celcius (indicated by my bike) gives bad colors. Honestly. the heat was really a major annoyance, even when hydrating extremely often. besides that, the very many mosquitoes were only a slight disturbance during the stops.

Yet it seems so simple to see people on TV doing off-roading! Well no, the reality is not that easy. So I learned to do the basic actions in a safe environment. This includes, among other things, full locks, very low speed zigzags, the passage of parallel logs, emergency stops in various circumstances, the crossing of stops .... all this standing on the pegs of course!

And of course, riding in the trails:

It looked like no straight lines were allowed! Logic, it's too simple, so we put into practice everything we had learned previously. And I must admit that I never thought I would be able to go where I went!

It was a whole day that ended with a return home around 6 p.m. A long day of motorcycling of a completely different type than what I normally do. I have never driven so much in first!

Where we were, the owner refurbishes old motorcycles and even races with them. We were able to see his workshop because it was cooler there, allowing us to relax a bit. A real museum, just splendid with one of the nicest guys!


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