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J+7 … the end of the meadows


After a broken night, it was time to hit the road back to Edmonton. But not until Alex, the man from the Yukon, gave me his cell number for when I got there on a motorcycle. Not looking for a room that night, those are his words.

The long ride therefore resumes its course along Highway 16. The landscapes are simply beautiful and relaxing. The almost endless straight lines link one to the other. I have looked at the profile of my tires, and they are starting to flatten out! :)

From gasoline stations to small stops to stretch the legs and the back, then new gasoline stations, then… finally you understand the principle. I still managed to play tourists. On the Battleford side, there is a fort which was the focal point of a battle with the Cree.

The Government of Canada makes a point of keeping it for the sake of memory. Not, as one might think to mark a victory, but rather, in my perception of it after reading the stories, but to try to correct history and recognize past mistakes.

Very interesting and those despite the 33 degrees that reigned in this place ... in addition to being fully equipped.

Once again, I changed provinces without seeing the famous warning sign. Either I'm blind or I'm just out of luck. But still, I saw it as a nice big refinery as you would expect.

There are also A&W with delicious teen burger!

And finally, after crossing Edmonton, I finally arrived at the campsite to pitch my tent and spend a relaxed evening!

Ha yes, I got cut off by Bamby on the highway. Every day his animal. :)

Thank you all for supporting me

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