And yes, as you know, Jasper is one of my four days off. I am at 4500 km of roads so you have to be careful with the mount? No she's going great, plus the rider!
So yeah, if you look at my Spot track, you must have noticed that I haven't moved much. That doesn't mean that I haven't had a blast! I went for a walk around Lake Maligne. Gorgeous!!! And the way to get there is enough to empty a camera memory card. Unfortunately, there are not masses of places to park on the road and the few there are absolutely not level (not serious in the car), not roughly sloping (I do not want to crash the bike again) or so crowded that you wonder why it does not flow. No problem, I have all of this in the right place in my head. And a bit on the GoPro too I admit. But she wasn't super positioned :(.

And there you tell me, it's all well and good all the talk and the few photos, but what are the plan changes ?????
Well, here. As you know, I have to go the day after tomorrow (August 10) to Squamish and then go up the Kelowna Valley. For the past few days, I've been following the BC government fire site almost religiously. Well here it is, it hardly burns on my road. I want to stick to my itinerary, but I think you also have to know how to be reasonable. I do this, among other things, to recover funds for Multiple Sclerosis (you can always give in passing, see in the menu) so, it would be silly to end up with an accident because of the smoke (don't laugh, put you have a helmet on your head and stand on top of your wood barbecue, and tell me if you breathe well. It really looks like this on a motorcycle, there is no filter to improve the situation) or to find me trapped between the fires. I therefore find myself forced to abandon the BC part of my journey. Really, I don’t do this out of heart, because for those who know me Vancouver has always been a goal since I was 10 years old when I saw that name on the Risk game map! On the other hand, I do not lose in the exchange either. I just booked myself two nights at the Lac Louise campsite !!!! The pearl of the rockies it seems!
So I'll give you some news!
Thanks to support me.