After about 1,600 km, gravel, sand and rain, I gave myself some time to clean and then grease my chain before leaving. So I took out my products and polished the beast in the parking lot in front of my room. Well, polished is a bit strong, let's just say that, not wanting to stain the asphalt of the motel, I used my WD 40 on a cloth and rubbed with it. It does the job, certainly not as much as my usual cleanup, but hey, that's it. So cleaning and greasing done, here I go again for a few kilometers on route 500 before boarding the 510 which I will ride to the end.
Shortly after, I see a beautiful landscape with a fairly long bridge. I stop to take the landscape (not take a photo of the bridge) then I leave… and there, the bridge has a “caution motorcycle” sign making it clear that the ground is wire mesh. But, with this mesh size, the length of the bridge and my low speed (I had just left), I really hated it! I had to “fight” not to crash because the bike was being thrown around in all directions!
Later, looking into the distance, I can see many clouds. After looking at the weather forecast, before leaving of course, I knew I was going to have rain, but it shouldn't be as intense as the clouds showed. I keep alternating between a nice dry road and a very wet road. But to date, I seem to be moving behind the big clouds. It is a succession of straight lines in the middle of conifers. Absolutely beautiful and so relaxing. Then suddenly, I start to catch up with the cloud, the temperature starts to drop. Since I was already only at 16 degrees, I parked to put on my gloves and relieve myself (yeah, biology what do you want!) The rain is starting to fall and I feel the cold quite a bit. Then it gets a little worse and I have a wet feeling in my stomach, a drop of water. But it’s impossible, not with this intensity of rain! And there, I look… I forgot to zip up my jacket after my stop earlier! Because yes, with this type of equipment, you have to open the jacket to access the pants! I took the opportunity to take this photo! I know, I'm on the road. But you can believe me, the traffic is super smooth… in fact super occasional! :)

Then, a few kilometers further, everything is just letting go. The temperature dropped to 11 degrees, the wind blew sideways in the clearings and the rain fell like coming from a shower head with the flow on full blast! It was really intense! My Klim did not resist. Water seeped through the zippers, which were water-resistant but not waterproof. My wallet took a bath (I only saw it in the evening) and, following the infiltration, the cold began to set in. Then, slowly, after 160 km of this treatment, the temperature started to rise and the rain stopped. That’s when Port Hope Simson showed up.
So I went to the Alexis hotel to check into my room. Seeing me come in, the lady gave me the key and told me to go and warm up a little and we'll do the paperwork then. It must be said that I was dripping everywhere. The view from the room is very nice. It's not great luxury, the carpets are more than worn, but the kindness of the lady quickly makes me forget all that... and I am warm. If I understood correctly what she was saying to other people, it was her business that she ran alone after the death of her husband. So let's just be human :)
On the road:
Merci de suivre mes aventures.